onsdag den 15. marts 2017

Crime investigator

Her er linket til forløbet Crime Investigators

Questions (made by you) - write the answers on your own blogs!

1.  What does "suspect"  Mean?
Answer: A investigator will found a suspect2. Can you call a crime a mystery?
Answer: yes
3. What is a creme investigator

It's a man he find suspect to find the end of mystery
4. Why is a witness important for a crime or a mystery
Because it will be more Esayer for the investigator 5. How do you solve a crime or a mystery
I would ask a investigator 6. How do you find evidence in a creme

7. How do you know that your witness isn't the person who has killed the victis
You can't8. What does it take to do a crime?
Drive to fast om the Road 9. What do you think it is like to be a witness
I Think it's unpleasant10. What is a suspect
A suspect is a person there could be the culprit11. What is a crime scene?
A crime scene could be a scene in a crime movie 
12. Have you ever found a clue to a crime case?
13. Who is Sherlock Holmes?
Sherlock Holmes Was a private investigator in a book
14. What is a victim?
Victim it's a man he killed a person

15. What is an evidence? 
it may be eg. you have found a dead man

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